Welcome to LAST quarter time!!
IT'S JULY 1, 2013 as I write this...about 24 hours past the exact start of our LAST quarter time for this month....It's TIME to get moving...to complete ALL which we had `wanted to do' at the NEW MOON of June 8th.....TIME to get busy! But this cycle we also have that glitchy little Mercury Retrograde...and so! It's NOT the time to, well, talk too much...gossip AT ALL..say ( or think) anything which we wouldn't want broadcast EVERYWHERE. ( Maybe I just shouldn't blog?) But alas...it's as healing for me to reflect on the cosmic cycles as it (maybe ) for you to read this dear star gazer! Each month we have a week of increased activity designed to COMPLETE projects which is NOW through our new moon of July 8th. Use this time to redo what needs doing...and complete what you can. Writers ( because of the mercury retrograde) may find this to be the best time to edit. This is the time of the `follow-up' phone calls for us all....and the time to finish up projects. SINCE it is also a mercury retrograde best not to make any formalized contractual commitments. And SINCE this mercury is in the ultra sensitive psychic sign of CANCER issues surrounding family and security are hitting us in the solar plexus. Now, isn't that month appropriate as we near the big `family holiday'; July 4th! Chances are our `dream' of a perfect family gathering may be tarnished by the reality of missed family members, missed connections, mis-communication. When it doubt; zip it up! Now that's good advice for a mercury (r) in CANCER...especially around the family picnic table! ONE MORE REALLY IMPORTANT point! Jupiter is now commencing its once every twelve year transit through CANCER. So much to say about that transit.Since Jupiter is the purveyor of `BIG' and cancer is the receptacle of things `EMOTIONAL'...one can expect a lot of heart felt-belly-aching feelings attaching to the areas in YOUR chart where CANCER dwells. At the very least, this holiday season will trigger nostalgia for `the family that was'....or perhaps never could be. Dust off your prints of NORMAN ROCKWELL and reflect on the fantasy of things `the way they were'....but resolve to ENJOY the reality of who you call family TODAY and give thanks! By the way...where you will find the MOST stress & tension to get those `feelings' in line (re: family, security, confidence) is around the ARIES 8 degrees in your chart. Symbolically...the square of LAST QUARTER tension between ARIES and CANCER is the dance between ME and my FAMILY. No matter who we are...as an independent being we come from a familiar history...and...that family can both sooth you or smother you...support you or suppress your independence. Try to blend these disparate energies for the next week...and see what wonderful NEW foundation you can build by the NEW MOON in about a week! Many blessings and have a GREAT INDEPENDENCE DAY!!
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