Cassandra's Cosmic Reflections:
Do you feel the shift? Watery, mystica...: Do you feel the shift? Watery, mystical, magical Neptune is now `direct!' And, so what?? This past week on Wed...
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Do you feel the shift? Watery, mystical, magical Neptune is now `direct!' And, so what??
This past week on Wednesday, ( around 1:43 pm) the planet Neptune went `stationary direct' the term used to describe a planet seemingly moving in a direct fashion from Earth's perspective. Of course planets don't actually go `backwards' ( retrograde) and `forwards' in their orbit... but from our planet's perspective they do.
Reflecting on what this MEANS for us all... I would offer the following.
Neptune is the symbol of the SEA: WATER. And from the watery depths all life emerges from the first protozoa to the baby first cradled in her Mom's watery womb. Neptune is one of the `big three' trans-personal planets which evokes archetypal layers of meaning. And, the outer planets move s.l.o.w.l.y. Neptune takes 148 years to orbit the sun, so, we haven't collectively experienced it's meaning LIKE this ( in the sign of Pisces) since the late 19th century...
Neptune is moving through is\t's `home sign'; Pisces. WHERE YOU find Pisces in your chart is getting a big dose of Neptune energy for the next 12 years! This coupling is like an enhancement of all things Neptune for you and for the collective.
Beyond the `sea' what does Neptune mean? Mysticism, magic, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, oneness, psychism, ghosts, intuition, BOUNDARY-less-ness.
It may seem as though the above word are all unrelated except when you consider the SEA. It is said we know more about the `moon' than we do about the mysteries of the SEA. Mystery...depths and vastness makes up the symbol of the sea and of Neptune!
Water... is the fabric of all life...and yet it requires a CONTAINER. And so where there is Neptune there are no boundaries.. Isn't that what happens when we `connect' with another in a spirit of com-passion? when we `read' another's mind? when we connect with Spirit ( which has no `physical container?)
Neptune. going. direct....means that we MAY be better able NOW to connect with that amorphous part of ourselves which has been swimming without focus since the day Neptune `went retrogade'...which was on June 7th.
Question; Did you have a dream, spiritual goal, a passion, that has been on `the shelve' since June? Did you inexplicably revisit that goal THIS week? Neptune rules our heartfelt passions.. Neptune going direct may help YOU direct your heart's desires now!
How about your spiritual practices. Have you been distracted or non-committal about your meditation/prayer/ ritual practices since June...and suddenly realized that you `want to commit again' this week? That's Neptune going direct.
What about YOUR boundaries? Have you been having your energy drained by something `non-spiritual'...or even parasitic since June and have suddenly thought!!! I need MY space ...I need MY definition! That's the whisper of Neptune.
The shift is here. It's a ripply wave in the sea.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Cassandra's Cosmic Reflections: Libra: Mirror,Mirror on the Wall
Cassandra's Cosmic Reflections: Libra: Mirror,Mirror on the Wall: Its the NEW MOON in Libra 10/4/13 Time: 8:34 pm EST Tonight plant your affirmations firmly in the arena o...
Libra: Mirror,Mirror on the Wall
Its the NEW MOON in Libra 10/4/13 Time: 8:34 pm EST
Tonight plant your affirmations firmly in the arena of your life where `Libra falls' within your chart. What is LIBRA? the essence of Libra is `the relationship'. Any thing or anyone `outside of ourselves' represents our mirror...the feedback point from which we are validated as being ....separate.
I know I exist because of YOU.
Now, `you' isn't limited by your SO ( significant other), BF or GF or best friend. The YOU which provides feedback to the 'ME' can be varied as the `public' or your pooch. In other words, we surround ourselves with libran feedback no matter whether we are constantly surrounded by `others' ( a public job) or isolated hermits.
One form of libran feedback is the MIRROR. Think about his. The glyph or symbol for the planet Venus looks like this: (((and VENUS is the RULER of LIBRA)))
![Venus Glyph](
And what does this symbol `look like'....?
Perhaps a mirror....handheld of course!
Every one has had their inner image of self modified shaped and interpreted by the great `out there'...the `you's' in ones' life. It starts in infancy. Baby learns to delight in the delight her Mommy expresses...eye-ball to eyeball...face to face. Nothing is more revealing than to look into the eyes of the `other'.
And what that other communicates back to YOU....shapes you. It shapes your inner dialog, your perception of self...and yes; your `self-esteem.'
During this new moon least through the next 48 hours...LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Really make eye-contact with the I within. LIKE it...err...LIKE YOU. Do a little conscious reflection work whereby YOU become the FEEDBACK to YOU.
Throw in some positive Like YOU. YOU look GOOD. I Love YOU. ( the me inside) .
Become your own MIRROR. Try it...the you inside of you needs & wants a little balancing this time of year...especially THIS year when the energy of erratic Uranus is directly opposite ( eye-balling) this New Moon. ALL OF US ...yes...even the politicians... the President .. are experiencing a big dose of `erratic' .
To compound the cosmic weather we have volcanic Pluto figuratively erupting it's lava in a tense angle ( 90 degree aspect) to BOTH the NEW MOON and ERRATIC Uranus. It's enough to want to crack every mirror except the one we hold close to our face.
Ground and center...balance the Venusian ( love) energy ...and attempt to do this in a revolutionary way; become the `other' you would like to attract to you.
The scales of Libra are about BALANCE. Inward balance during strange, scary, times is within reach; grab your OWN MIRROR...and smile....
Tonight plant your affirmations firmly in the arena of your life where `Libra falls' within your chart. What is LIBRA? the essence of Libra is `the relationship'. Any thing or anyone `outside of ourselves' represents our mirror...the feedback point from which we are validated as being ....separate.
I know I exist because of YOU.
Now, `you' isn't limited by your SO ( significant other), BF or GF or best friend. The YOU which provides feedback to the 'ME' can be varied as the `public' or your pooch. In other words, we surround ourselves with libran feedback no matter whether we are constantly surrounded by `others' ( a public job) or isolated hermits.
One form of libran feedback is the MIRROR. Think about his. The glyph or symbol for the planet Venus looks like this: (((and VENUS is the RULER of LIBRA)))
And what does this symbol `look like'....?
Perhaps a mirror....handheld of course!
Every one has had their inner image of self modified shaped and interpreted by the great `out there'...the `you's' in ones' life. It starts in infancy. Baby learns to delight in the delight her Mommy expresses...eye-ball to eyeball...face to face. Nothing is more revealing than to look into the eyes of the `other'.
And what that other communicates back to YOU....shapes you. It shapes your inner dialog, your perception of self...and yes; your `self-esteem.'
During this new moon least through the next 48 hours...LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Really make eye-contact with the I within. LIKE it...err...LIKE YOU. Do a little conscious reflection work whereby YOU become the FEEDBACK to YOU.
Throw in some positive Like YOU. YOU look GOOD. I Love YOU. ( the me inside) .
Become your own MIRROR. Try it...the you inside of you needs & wants a little balancing this time of year...especially THIS year when the energy of erratic Uranus is directly opposite ( eye-balling) this New Moon. ALL OF US ...yes...even the politicians... the President .. are experiencing a big dose of `erratic' .
To compound the cosmic weather we have volcanic Pluto figuratively erupting it's lava in a tense angle ( 90 degree aspect) to BOTH the NEW MOON and ERRATIC Uranus. It's enough to want to crack every mirror except the one we hold close to our face.
Ground and center...balance the Venusian ( love) energy ...and attempt to do this in a revolutionary way; become the `other' you would like to attract to you.
The scales of Libra are about BALANCE. Inward balance during strange, scary, times is within reach; grab your OWN MIRROR...and smile....
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Today...the grand sextile begins to become exact. What is a GRAND SEXTILE you may ask? Well, it is a relatively rare configuration consisting of planets in a 60 degree angle to each other... The planets in question are in compatible signs of EARTH & WATER elements..
Take Saturn in Scorpio. It rules `rules & manifestation'... To Saturn's right is VIRGO VENUS (love) and to it's left is PLUTO CAPRICORN ( transformer)...
Lets make a sentence: We are now transforming our LOVE into something REAL and solid.... but there is MORE!
Like a Mandela wheel spinning...the GRAND sextile also involves the OTHER water element...the planets in Cancer, namely Mercury/Mars/Jupiter. This tight connection suggests we are determined ( mars) to communicate ( mercury) our beliefs ( Jupiter) in a powerful ( Pluto) way.
Once the MOON shifts into TAURUS ...just after midnight tonight..... We we REALLY get the message of balance, cooperation, give and take regarding our beliefs, love, and relationships.
Isn't astrology the best? the best!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Cassandra's Cosmic Reflections: WATER trine ...sparked by MARS!
Cassandra's Cosmic Reflections: WATER trine ...sparked by MARS!: Today---July 13th---Firey Mars moved into watery Cancer adding to our most memorable and unusual GRAND TRINE IN WATER which has been graci...
WATER trine ...sparked by MARS!
Today---July 13th---Firey Mars moved into watery Cancer adding to our most memorable and unusual GRAND TRINE IN WATER which has been gracing us this summer so far. What do you get when you combine fire & water? Steam of course...or a soggy candle!
In this line-up, I believe, Mars acts as a catalyst to GET THINGS done of a `watery' nature. Since water refers to emotions, feelings, and intuition we may have get a BOOST today of focus on securing our emotional connections.
This Grand Trine... ( looks like a TRIANGLE) combines the `real-world' grounding of Saturn + the optimistic attitude of Jupiter + the dreamy compassionate energy of Neptune. Translation: we have been wanting & hoping to MANIFEST (Saturn) a DREAM (Neptune) in a BIG (Jupiter) way. Mars...Mr. energizer rock the spark plug to go for it!
Now, the FIRST QUARTER SQUARE at 23 degrees of Libra is the `location' of doing all this work ...which should flow like a mighty stream to completion by the FULL MOON on July 22nd.
Go for it! Just don't dream it!
Many blessings,
In this line-up, I believe, Mars acts as a catalyst to GET THINGS done of a `watery' nature. Since water refers to emotions, feelings, and intuition we may have get a BOOST today of focus on securing our emotional connections.
This Grand Trine... ( looks like a TRIANGLE) combines the `real-world' grounding of Saturn + the optimistic attitude of Jupiter + the dreamy compassionate energy of Neptune. Translation: we have been wanting & hoping to MANIFEST (Saturn) a DREAM (Neptune) in a BIG (Jupiter) way. Mars...Mr. energizer rock the spark plug to go for it!
Now, the FIRST QUARTER SQUARE at 23 degrees of Libra is the `location' of doing all this work ...which should flow like a mighty stream to completion by the FULL MOON on July 22nd.
Go for it! Just don't dream it!
Many blessings,
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
This morning, at 7:32 EDT was the official moment of the `Full `Super' MOON' in 2 degrees of Capricorn. By now, you probably know that `super' moon simply means that the moon is super close to the earth....that's the astronomical meaning. Let's reflect on what that means SYMBOLICALLY....or astrologically. To assist in that we turn to the esoterically derived Sabian symbols... The symbol for TODAY is ` The Human soul, in it's eagerness for new experiences seeks Embodiment'....Hmmmm
Are you experiencing a feeling of anticipation? excitement or hope today? At the very least...the build-up of emotional tension of the preceding two days is now past. Once the moon is `past full' it's like finally being able to exhale. ( If you were holding your `breath' over the past 48 hours trying to balance the home/career conundrum, you can now RELEASE!)
This symbol, incidentally is the SOLAR symbol each year for DECEMBER 24th/25th....Isn't that amazing? The day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ is the day of this embodiment symbol.....yearly.
So! How can we cultivate this energy? Surrender to new Allow the inner promptings of `something' new materialize. Stop, look and listen to the wonder of NEW EXPERIENCES....and begin to `embody' your dreams. Give birth. Launch a creative project. Allow the maternal waters of the CANCER Sun (mother) to give birth to something TANGIBLE and earthy under this CAPRICORN (father) moon.
Today is the MOST potent day....but this urge to manifest is strong until our NEXT new moon....( in two weeks).
SO get doing!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
MOON sextile GEMINI Sun....
Is Going On RIGHT NOW...( as of 11:13 EDT)
Take a peak at the MOON right now...From my window it looks lovely...fatter than a mere `crescent'...alluring as it plays peak-a-poo with WNY's overcast skies. What does a SEXTILE mean??
It's a 60 degree angle formed between two bodies, and in THIS case the SUN & MOON. Its a time of productivity with effort; achievement with a focus without much stress & strain. Sextile periods are times when effort is awarded...easily. A sextile is considered the prep time before the REAL time of heavy lifting and vigorous effort to achieve our goals...which of course is the 90 degree period as represented by the SQUARE. Think of tonight until Sunday the 16th at 1:24 pm as your time to stretch before the period of heavy -lifting, vigorous work out time when the sun & moon create a more compelling `gotta do my work time. So from now until Sunday afternoon...plan, prepare, organize. Focus time ( SQUARE time) is all next week!\
Best blessings!
It's a 60 degree angle formed between two bodies, and in THIS case the SUN & MOON. Its a time of productivity with effort; achievement with a focus without much stress & strain. Sextile periods are times when effort is awarded...easily. A sextile is considered the prep time before the REAL time of heavy lifting and vigorous effort to achieve our goals...which of course is the 90 degree period as represented by the SQUARE. Think of tonight until Sunday the 16th at 1:24 pm as your time to stretch before the period of heavy -lifting, vigorous work out time when the sun & moon create a more compelling `gotta do my work time. So from now until Sunday afternoon...plan, prepare, organize. Focus time ( SQUARE time) is all next week!\
Best blessings!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
First Blog Under the GEMINI new CYCLE
Welcome to Cassandra's Cosmic Reflections!!
Under this new the communications ' sign of Gemini...I make this intention; To share astrological tidbits with you about the unfolding word at a time!
Funny how this works. First of all, I had every intention to work today an another project, but, alas....I got inspired just moments ago to start my blog. The moment is recorded above Let me explain what you are viewing.Mercury the planet of communication is in a 120 degree pattern or, a trine ( positive & self-supporting) alignment with the passing lunar node AND the asteroid Chiron. The picture ( snap-shot) above resembles a triangle, and, in asro-speak this is a GRAND TRINE in water...the perfect medium for attracting emotional stability.
Translation: The cosmos is suggesting we align in this moment with healing ( chiron) words ( mercury) which are timely ( N. Node).
To use astrology in this a barometer of the ebb and flow of life is absolutely exhilarating!. We all have an `alignment' with our inner Self, our God, our psyche. Whatever word you use....we do receive an in-going flow of information....knowledge ...all the time. What I do is cast a chart for those `ahha' moments to help me literally translate what is being unfolded in that non-verbal moment.USING astrology in the moment we are filled with `something'...helps us to objectify, qualify and understand what the universe is communicating. Generally there are no surprises. I felt the urge to start this blog TODAY...without knowing the exact astrological aspects. Drawing up the chart for that moment simply confirms the feeling.
As an on-going service to YOU I would offer this gift. When you have a `filled moment'...with some seemingly random down the time ( and place & date) and communicate it to me here. I will post the chart and discuss it for you.....
Many Blessings!
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