Wednesday, January 1, 2014

HAPPY 2014!

                                                                     HAPPY 2014 !!!!

This morning...around 6:15 am ...was the new moon in Capricorn to start our year off with a BIG NEW MOON PUSH!

Ok...Whats a new moon? The sun/moon are `new' when they are conjunct...( together) in the sky from our ( earth's perspective). A New moon happens...peaks... and then we say the moon's energy WAXS ( grows) until the middle of the cycle when the sun -moon are OPPOSITE to each other and we view this opposition as a FULL MOON.

January 1st traditionally has been the day of resolutions...and sure we all make/break them yearly. Well, if EVER there was a January 1st when a successful resolution would be made...TODAY IS THE DAY.

In fact you could say that every New Moon is like a January 1st; a great TIME to make a promise, a prayer an affirmation....

Check in with your unconscious today. Check in with your day-dreams, your will forces, your imagination and SET YOUR INTENTIONS!:)

Not only will you be tapping into the collective energy of a `new year'/new you....but the emotional energies ( lunar) of the cosmos will be supporting you.

This is why it's helpful to MANIFEST by the MOON....allow the creative juices of the cosmos to
gently nudge your singular intentions to completion...

Another feature of todays astrology is this: We begin this new year with the planets forming a big rectangle involving the cardinal signs; Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer.

Cardinal signs are the spark plugs of the zodiac; they start action. Each of the cardinal signs begin one of the 4 seasons falling upon the equinox and solstice points of the sun/ earth dance.

SO! START something!! Start anything ....except a new relationship. Reflect on THAT part of your life. Venus is retrograde ( re-do) and we all understand that the Venus archetype is love/desire, and, yes $.

When the planets form a `box' square or rectangle...we astrologers call it a GRAND cross/ Grand
square etc.  Its `grand' not because of anything! But because it's a NEW TEMPLATE of a
beginning point!

We build we squares...right gets DOWN with the leverage of our elbow/knee joints...Masons used the squared -off circle to lay the foundations of buildings...

TODAY SET YOUR AFFIRMATIONS/RESOLUTIONS/....and expect results...real results.

And while you are at it... understand that grand squares can be a wee bit tense. Since everyone is experiencing this `I gotta do my DREAM' NOW!!! We all may be a bit focussed and well, self-absorbed...

This is ESPECIALLY true for where you find cardinal energy; Cancer/Capricorn/Libra/Aries....

You can learn  MORE about this all at my classes...(BTW)

New Moon Class Thursday!
2014 workshop Friday @ Monday
