Friday, October 4, 2013

Cassandra's Cosmic Reflections: Libra: Mirror,Mirror on the Wall

Cassandra's Cosmic Reflections: Libra: Mirror,Mirror on the Wall:                               Its the NEW MOON in Libra 10/4/13  Time: 8:34 pm EST Tonight plant your affirmations firmly in the arena o...

Libra: Mirror,Mirror on the Wall

                              Its the NEW MOON in Libra 10/4/13  Time: 8:34 pm EST

Tonight plant your affirmations firmly in the arena of your life where `Libra falls' within your chart. What is LIBRA? the essence of Libra is `the relationship'. Any thing or anyone `outside of ourselves' represents our mirror...the feedback point from which we are validated as being ....separate.

I know I exist because of YOU.

Now, `you' isn't limited by your SO ( significant other), BF or GF or best friend. The YOU which provides feedback to the 'ME' can be varied as the `public' or your pooch. In other words, we surround ourselves with libran feedback no matter whether we are constantly surrounded by `others' ( a public job) or isolated hermits.

One form of libran feedback is the MIRROR. Think about his. The glyph or symbol for the planet Venus looks like this: (((and VENUS is the RULER of LIBRA)))

                                                                Venus Glyph
And what does this symbol `look like'....?
Perhaps a mirror....handheld of course!

Every one has had their inner image of self modified shaped and interpreted by the great `out there'...the `you's' in ones' life. It starts in infancy. Baby learns to delight in the delight her Mommy expresses...eye-ball to eyeball...face to face. Nothing is more revealing than to look into the eyes of the `other'.

And what that other communicates back to YOU....shapes you. It  shapes your inner dialog, your perception of self...and yes; your `self-esteem.'

During this new moon least through the next 48 hours...LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Really make eye-contact with the I within. LIKE it...err...LIKE YOU. Do a little conscious reflection work whereby YOU become the FEEDBACK to YOU.

Throw in some positive Like YOU. YOU look GOOD. I Love YOU. ( the me inside) .

Become your own MIRROR. Try it...the you inside of you needs & wants a little balancing this time of year...especially THIS year when the energy of erratic Uranus is directly opposite ( eye-balling) this New Moon. ALL OF US ...yes...even the politicians... the President .. are experiencing a big dose of `erratic' .

To compound the cosmic weather we have volcanic Pluto figuratively erupting it's lava in a tense angle (  90 degree aspect) to BOTH the NEW MOON and ERRATIC Uranus. It's enough to want to crack every mirror except the one we hold close to our face.

Ground and center...balance the Venusian ( love) energy ...and attempt to do this in a revolutionary way; become the `other' you would like to attract to you.

The scales of Libra are about BALANCE. Inward balance during strange, scary, times is within reach; grab your OWN MIRROR...and smile....